Back to School: What’s Your Child Going to Learn in Sex-Ed?
by Hannah Scholnick

As summer comes to a close, it’s time to gear up and get ready for school! As you and your child prepare for the upcoming year, take a minute to learn about some influential sex educators around the globe!
Anju Kish
An Indian certified sex educator, writer, speaker and mother of two founded her sex and sexuality safety education company, Untaboo in 2011. Her experience with sex education was similar to many adults in India—slim to none. As a result, she swore to herself she would have an open environment with her children. When her four-year-old son started asking questions, she tried to find an age-appropriate sex-ed resource—but to no avail. To tackle the inevitable exposure to sexually explicit content and prevent the passing of misinformation from and between peer groups, Untaboo was created to provide accurate, age-appropriate sex education to children and adolescents. Check out her Ted Talk and company website below!
Anju Kish | TEDxIIITD
Andrew Gurza
Queer Canadian disability awareness consultant, cripple content creator and founder of DisabilityAfterDark; Andrew Gurza combines his experience with cerebral palsy and professional expertise to educate and discuss disability and sex. DisabilityAfterDark explores sex and disability through an intersectional, vulnerable and light-hearted lens via podcasts, blogs and presentations. His writings have been featured on Huffington Post, The Advocate, and Everyday Feminism. Andrew was also featured on the consent episode of Sex-Ed School. Check out the link to his site below!
Sex-Ed School CONSENT Episode
Lindsay Amer
Queer creator, activist and speaker; Lindsay Amer creates LGBTQIA+ and social justice media for children and families. They write, produce and co-host an educational web series for anyone above the age of three, entitled Queer Kid Stuff. The show is hosted by Lindsay and a stuffed teddy bear where they explore queer topics through a video-log style of conversation. Amer also founded Queer Kid Studios, a multi-media production company that creates intersectional queer-focused media for all ages. Keep on the lookout for Lindsay’s upcoming children’s podcast, picture book and screenplay. Below are links to their website and web series!
Lindsay Amer | YouTube Channel
Cameron Glover
Writer, sex educator and host of Sex-Ed in Color podcast, Cameron Glover develops resources that allow people to embrace and explore identity, social justice and the sexual experience. Launched in 2018, Sex-Ed in Color confronts the complexities of sexuality through the lens of sexuality professionals of colour via biweekly interviews and solo episodes. It creates a space for marginalized voices to tell their stories and include them in the broader sex education conversation. Check out the links to Cameron’s podcast and website!
Stephanie Mitelman
Part-time faculty at Concordia University, AASECT certified sexuality educator, national sexual health trainer and content creator for curriculum and classroom kits, Stephanie Mitelman owns a private practice to treat both special needs individuals and couples with a specialization in Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is also the founder of the Sex Ed Mart and the Sexual Health Network of Quebec. Sex Ed Mart is an online resource for teaching healthy sexuality which includes materials for people with special needs. The Sexual Health Network of Quebec is a non-profit organization made up of therapists and educators to provide accurate and comprehensive sexual health information for youth in schools. Check out the links below to the Sex Ed Mart and the Sexual Health Network of Quebec.
Olly Pike
British author, frequent panel guest and director and CEO of Pop’n’Olly; Olly Pike uses his theatrical background to create LGBTQIA+ educational resources for children, parents, caregivers and teachers. Pop’n’Olly, a self-funded LGBTQIA+ educational resource, was created to combat homo, bi and transphobia through videos and books. His work is regularly utilized in various schools, charities, organizations and companies. He has spoken at Parliament and London City Hall and his work has been showcased at events such as “The Children’s Media Conference” and “Stonewalls Education for All Conference.” Check out the links to his Youtube channel and personal website!
Olly Pike | YouTube Channel
Check out the latest episodes at Shaftesbury Kids YouTube channel to learn more!
Sex-Ed School Series